IKKU Photo Gallery of Soke Joseph Ruiz

Check out our New IKKU Photo Gallery of Soke Joseph Ruiz. There’s plenty of Vintage Pics to see Soke from the 70’s and 80’s. From Bunkai, Kata, Demonstrations, Kobudo, Katsu-Ryu to Casual our photo collection is growing and available to share for the entirety of our IKKU Family.

Soke Joseph Ruiz is the founder of the International Karate Kobudo Union (IKKU) and the Kotosu-Ha Shito-Ryu system of Karate. This union was founded to further the instruction of the Shito Ryu Karate, Koga Ryu Kobudo and Katsu Ryu Kempo systems. These systems were taught to Soke Ruiz during a life-long study of martial arts. He has studied with some of the Great Masters of the past including Sensei Tommy Morita, Kyoshi Aihara, Kanki Izumikawa and Soke Shogo Kuniba. Soke Ruiz was inducted in the World Head of Family Sokeship Council in 1998 and is currently a council member.

IKKU Gallery  <–  Click Here to See the Gallery

Call To Action:

If you have additional vintage photo’s of Soke to share then please reach out to us at the IKKU so that we can arrange to have these added to our growing collection.

You can contact Renshi Ray Howard directly at ray.howard@roninbujutsukai.com to arrange the photo sharing.